Tag: wtf

Schmabletop Reviews: Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards

Schmabletop Reviews: Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards


Sir Lootzor’s Festering Testikill. That’s it. That’s all you need to know. Go, go now and play. What? In “Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre” (which henceforth shall be Epic ...

Halo Twin-Stick Shooter Coming Out, Sort Of

Halo Twin-Stick Shooter Coming Out, Sort Of


Announced today there’s a new Halo game set between the events of Halo 3 and Halo 4. And it’s also apparently a twin-stick shooter ala Geometry Wars or Smash TV. That is exciting! The las ...

Megatokyo Visual Novel

Megatokyo Visual Novel


What. Apparently ancient (by internet standards) webcomic Megatokyo is getting the visual novel treatment, funded through Kickstarer. To be honest, I thought Megatokyo had collapsed a long time ago, ...

Valhalla Knights 3’s Red Light District

Valhalla Knights 3’s Red Light District


I was never a huge fan of the Valhalla Knights series of games on PSP, mostly they were just an inoffensive offline MMO grind fest. But in Valhalla Knights 3 I find myself turned off from playing the ...

How To Ostracize Women From Geek Culture

How To Ostracize Women From Geek Culture


  There’s no such thing as a fake geek girl. Harris O’Maley, of Dr. Nerd Love fame, made the above stickers as a satirical joke mocking the concept of a fake geek girl. Apparently at ...

White Xbox One, Employees Only

White Xbox One, Employees Only


We’re not huge on the appearance of our consoles here at Gamers Schmamers, first and foremost we care about the damn things working and playing good games, sexiness is a very distant third in o ...

Final Fantasy: The Dating Sim

Final Fantasy: The Dating Sim


  Whenever I hear new Final Fantasy news I just sort of smile and go “Mhm” and the newest from Square-Enix gave me that exact reaction as well. Final Fantasy Agito has been announced ...