T’Hersday: Lollipop Chainsaw
Today I want to talk about a game that gives me mixed feelings. On the one hand, I adore the ever-loving shit out of this game. On the other, it makes me feel like a sexist pervert who is one lost mor ...
Batman: Arkham Origins
Game Informer gets the scoop on Batman: Arkham Origins. The game will be a prequel to the previous two in the Arkham series and will feature a new creative team. Warner Brothers Games Montreal will be ...
Indie Developers Choose Sony over Microsoft
I am not the greatest person in the world to talk up indie developers or their games. Honestly, I have just recently gotten into the works of lesser-known developers. The few games that I have played ...
T’Hersday: Far Cry 3
We here at Gamers Schmamers just write/talk/jerk-off about anything we very well please. Already played a game and moved on? Thought you’d never hear about it again? Have no fear! Gamers Schmamers is ...
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Hooray for birthdays! Though I may be almost 30 years old I still rake in Best Buy gift cards every year. This year I raked in enough to purchase Injustice: Gods Among Us. For a DC fanboy such ...
Schmame Over Episode 5.3: Better With Friends
Corey spends time alone talking about video games! Join him and his soothingly quiet voice as he coaxs you into a sleep so fine and deep that when you wake up with him standing over you stabbing you t ...
World’s Largest Game of Pong
Only a true Schmamer would look at a skyscraper and think, “I can play pong on that.” Enter Frank Lee, co-founder of Drexel University’s Game Design Program. Lee and his genius idea ...
Arkham Origins Character Reveal
Another rogue in Batman’s gallery has been revealed for the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origin –The Black Mask. Casual Batman fans may be familiar with the mostly campy nature of Batman’ ...
Wed-NES-day: Donkey Kong Country
Wild and Wacky WedNESday, Schmamers! I haven’t played an 8-bit game in years. Fuck, I’ve barely even played many 8-bit games. So why am I handling WedNESday? Because we’re a well-run organizatio ...
Microsoft Confirms Next-Gen Reveal
So much hearsay. So much speculation. So much nerd rage. Finally, Microsoft has confirmed that it will reveal the XBox 720 (Durango, FuckBox, whatever you want to call it) on May 21st. That’s a ...
Beast of America: Intro
Welcome to Beast of America, a special series of Schmeditorials for this week. Each day will see a new article discussing some overarching themes contained in Bioshock Infinite as they pertain to rea ...
Microsoft IllumiRoom
Back in January, before our brilliant website was in existence, Microsoft used CES to announce its lofty goal to keep gamers in their living rooms for ever! How would Microsoft accomplish such a thing ...