admin's profile

Pat Simpson

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All posts by admin

Poker Night at the Inventory 2 Looks Wonderful

Poker Night at the Inventory 2 Looks Wonderful

Brock Samson, Claptrap, Ash Williams, Glados. That’s it, that’s all I need to sa ...

Dragon’s Crown and Its Breath Taking Beauty

Dragon’s Crown and Its Breath Taking Beauty

Dragon’s Crown, the latest from Vanillaware, gives me hope for my PS Vita. Since Person ...

Wed-NES-Day: All Your History

Wed-NES-Day: All Your History

Warp-Zone-Filled Wed-NES-Day, Schmamers! They say those who don’t study history are doo ...

RIP: LucasArts

RIP: LucasArts

Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. D ...

Schmame Over Episode 2: More Bioshock Infinite

Schmame Over Episode 2: More Bioshock Infinite

Schmame Over episode 2 is live, go and consume! This episode we’re joined by a special ...

Sejuani Reskin, Makes Sense

Sejuani Reskin, Makes Sense

I don’t play a lot of League of Legends, but it can be said that the visual design is ...

The Power of: Gaming

The Power of: Gaming

(Schmamer Corey has a hard time picking a favorite game! But that’s okay, the whole med ...

T’Hersday: Lollipop Chainsaw

T’Hersday: Lollipop Chainsaw

Today I want to talk about a game that gives me mixed feelings. On the one hand, I adore the ...

Durango Rumored to be Always On

Durango Rumored to be Always On

According to inside sources, the Durango– Microsoft’s next gaming console– ...

T’HERSDAY: Voluptuous Raider

T’HERSDAY: Voluptuous Raider

Tomb Raidin’ T’Hersday, Schmamers! Video’d video game pundits are a GP a ga ...

Far Cry 3 Expansion is the Best of the 80’s

Far Cry 3 Expansion is the Best of the 80’s

Far Cry 3 is probably the best first person shooter I never finished. Something about open wo ...

Schmame Over After Dark 1

Schmame Over After Dark 1

What happens when the Schmamers stay up way too late and let their morals go? Nothing good, t ...