Schmame Over Episode 1: Bioshock Infinite
Greetings on this first and most glorious Music Monday, and welcome to the first episode of Schmame Over, the official Gamers Schmamers podcast! What better way to kick things off than with the (somew ...
Lighthouses: A (Spoiler-Free, don’t worry) Purview of BioShock Infinite
Knowing where to begin is the hardest part of any journey. More often than not, it’s the only part in our many adventures where we have a choice. And these choices can be…infinite. And infinit ...
Schmame Over Episode 2: More Bioshock Infinite
Schmame Over episode 2 is live, go and consume! This episode we’re joined by a special guest who shall remain nameless (until you listen to the podcast) because he thinks that being associated w ...
Shut Up And Take My Money: HeroClix Edition
Well look at that. Bio Shock Infinite HeroClix. That? Oh that’s the sound of me vomiting money at these. Damn you consumer market and your making of things I want! And where is my damn Song Bird ...
Bioshock, Baptism, Refund?
Very mild spoilers for Bioshock Infinite. (Seriously, like, first ten minutes.) Before you’re allowed to enter the city of Columbia proper, you’re forced to undergo a baptism. Combined wi ...
Beast of America: Intro
Welcome to Beast of America, a special series of Schmeditorials for this week. Each day will see a new article discussing some overarching themes contained in Bioshock Infinite as they pertain to rea ...
Beast of America: Religion – A Different America
(Welcome to the first entry in our series “Beast of America” analyzing the various social themes and messages found within Irrational Games’ latest masterpiece: BioShock Infinite.) ...
Beast of America: Racism
(Welcome to the second entry in our series “Beast of America” analyzing the various social themes and messages found within Irrational Games’ latest masterpiece: BioShock Infinite.) White people are ...
Beast of America: Industrialization
(Welcome to the third entry in our series “Beast of America” analyzing the various social themes and messages found within Irrational Games’ latest masterpiece: BioShock Infinite.) Hello and welcome ...
Beast of America: The Beast Revealed
(Welcome to the fourth and final entry in our series “Beast of America” analyzing the various social themes and messages found within Irrational Games’ latest masterpiece: BioShock Infinite.) All wee ...
BioShock Infinite Heroclix
Booker. Elizabeth. Daisy. On your tabletop. Coming Summer 2013. 20 sculpts available from a starter pack or gravity feed. Fight against your friends on the streets of Columbia. Josh and I will stop pl ...