Sejuani Reskin, Makes Sense
I don’t play a lot of League of Legends, but it can be said that the visual design is not very progressive lets say. One of the most egregious oversights in the character design was Sejuani, th ...
T’Hersday: Lollipop Chainsaw
Today I want to talk about a game that gives me mixed feelings. On the one hand, I adore the ever-loving shit out of this game. On the other, it makes me feel like a sexist pervert who is one lost mor ...
T’HERSDAY: Voluptuous Raider
Tomb Raidin’ T’Hersday, Schmamers! Video’d video game pundits are a GP a gallon on the seven internet seas, so when you find someone genuinely entertaining, it’s tantamount to ...
T’hersday: Divine Payback
Howdy folks! Our regularly scheduled T’hersday columnist forgot to upload his article before going on a bit of a vacation so you’ll just have to wait until next week for some Far Cry 3 sh ...
T’Hersday: Far Cry 3
We here at Gamers Schmamers just write/talk/jerk-off about anything we very well please. Already played a game and moved on? Thought you’d never hear about it again? Have no fear! Gamers Schmamers is ...
T’Hersday: A Piece of Meat
Pieces of meat. Apparently that’s what Dead Island: Riptide publishers Deep Silver think of their customers. A couple of months back it was revealed that in parts of the world if you pre-ordere ...