Tag: schmame over

Schmame Over Episode 2: More Bioshock Infinite

Schmame Over Episode 2: More Bioshock Infinite


Schmame Over episode 2 is live, go and consume! This episode we’re joined by a special guest who shall remain nameless (until you listen to the podcast) because he thinks that being associated w ...

Schmame Over After Dark 1

Schmame Over After Dark 1


What happens when the Schmamers stay up way too late and let their morals go? Nothing good, that’s for sure! Come join all the digusting, foul mouthed fun in Schmame Over After Dark Episode 1! I ...

Schmame Over Episode 3: It’s Way Too Late

Schmame Over Episode 3: It’s Way Too Late


Today the Schmamers record way too late at night, and sometimes aren’t really coherent. But are they ever? Join them as they discuss Shadow Era on iOS, Luigi’s Mansion 2, Spec Ops the Line ...

Schmame Over Episode 4: Waiting to Come Of Age

Schmame Over Episode 4: Waiting to Come Of Age


Pikmin, Shmups, and old games about waiting for women to come of age! We talk about the new Batman game, the meaning of games, and a blast from the not so distant past. What the hell is wrong with us? ...

Schmame Over Episode 5.1: Adam Is Sleepy

Schmame Over Episode 5.1: Adam Is Sleepy


A very sleepy Adam takes it upon himself to do a solo episode of Schmame Over! And we decided, well, why not have everyone do a solo episode?! We’re keeping it fresh at Gamers Schmamers, ladies ...

Schmame Over Episode 5.2: Nintendo Orgy

Schmame Over Episode 5.2: Nintendo Orgy


So much Nintendo news! How long do you think we can felatte Nintendo for? If you said too long then FUCK YOU that’s not long enough. Join us this week as we spend way too much time talking about ...

Schmame Over Episode 5.3: Better With Friends

Schmame Over Episode 5.3: Better With Friends


Corey spends time alone talking about video games! Join him and his soothingly quiet voice as he coaxs you into a sleep so fine and deep that when you wake up with him standing over you stabbing you t ...

Schmame Over Episode 6: Harmless Japanese Pornography

Schmame Over Episode 6: Harmless Japanese Pornography


Due to Adam being unable to manage his time properly, it’s a duo podcast this week. Fun! Listen as Patrick and Joshua spend more time extolling the virtues of Monster Hunter, and spending far to ...

Schmame Over Bonus: The A-Typical Gamer

Schmame Over Bonus: The A-Typical Gamer


In this very special episode of Schmame Over, Adam interviews his best buddy and podcast co-host of The JimmyJew Podcast Extravaganza (JimmyJew.Libsyn.com): James Scanlan! Join us as we trace the hist ...

Schmame Over Episode 7: Haik-Who?

Schmame Over Episode 7: Haik-Who?


Join us for a very special episode of Schmame Over, where Adam and Joshua learn the truth about drugs. Pat spends his time pretending like he plays video games, Adam vomits rage at us over the Star Tr ...

Schmame Over Episode 8: The Le Douche

Schmame Over Episode 8: The Le Douche


Adam reveals dark secrets about his family’s past, we visit the mysterious town of Greenvale, Star Command is a pretty awesome game me thinks, and my god what is up with asshole fans on the inte ...

Schmame Over Episode 9: Forced Puns

Schmame Over Episode 9: Forced Puns


Today on Schmame Over, Joshua isn’t there because he’s off getting drunk in Oregon! Whoa! Mean time, Pat and Adam have discussions about Star Command, Legend of Zelda, and cuss way too muc ...