Schmame Over Bonus Episode: XBOX One
It’s here, the next generation is here! I sure am looking forward to five more years of listening to everyone tell me which console is better than the others. Oh boy! But in this very special ep ...
Microsoft on Backwards Compatibility
Hey, look, something I can finally agree with Microsoft on: backwards compatibility! Don Mattrick told the Wall Street Journal that wanting backwards capabilities is “backward.” And I tot ...
Post Announcement Blues
I have a confession. I really liked the XBOX One announcement. Not because the announcement was particularly good, or because I’m excited for the XBOX One, but because the announcement gave me ...
In Defense of Microsoft
Apparently I’m going to be the lone voice on the interwebs that comes to the defense of Microsoft and the Xbox One. Let me preface this by saying that I do own a 360 and love it like the child ...
Dream a Little Dream With Me
I might as well put a cap on the week of Xbox One with another post. If you’re tired of reading about the Xbox One, well, please accept my sincerest apologies. Here’s what comes up when yo ...
Missing the Mystery
What happened to our sense of wonder? I know, I know, you’ve heard it before. There’s no wonder left in the world, being so connected, focusing on Facebook and Twitter for hours a day kee ...
Microsoft Officially Admits What We Suspected About One
Microsoft released a lot of information yesterday on the Xbox One, must of which had been swirling around as rumors since the reveal, but we now have confirmation straight from the source. Sort of. M ...
E3 Liveblog: Microsoft Press Conference (11-1 CST)
These deck chairs sure could use some rearranging. ...
Schmame Over: E3 Special Edition
E3 is here! Join the Schmamers as we discuss the highs and (very low) lows of day one! Microsoft, Sony, EA, Ubisoft, who was the big winner? Who is going home a loser? Did anyone really care about nin ...
Xbox One, No Go For Military
Unsurprisingly, the Xbox One isn’t very popular amongst the armed forces of the world. With spotty internet access for most service members overseas, much less those on a naval vessel, plus sec ...
We Did It! Microsoft Relents on Terrible Policies
Microsoft officially announced today a broad stroke of changes to the Xbox One after letting the console dangle in the wind since E3. Finally realizing that their policies were severely hamstringing ...
Jim Sterling Speaks Truth About Our Failing Industry
I’ve judged Jim Sterling unfairly in the past, but I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong about someone. Especially when that someone is willing to vocally and publicly call out idiot ...