XCOM is coming to iOS. That is good enough news to make me sing a song about rainbow puppies, but IGN spoke with the developers recently and they confirmed that there will be no in app powerups avail ...
Warhammer Quest for iOS
Hey, that title sorta rhymes. Neat! Today sees the launch of a title I’ve been waiting for for some time now: Warhammer Quest. Exclusively for mobile devices, Warhammer quest is a digital versio ...
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on iPad
Well. Uh. Knights of the Old Republic is on iPad. This is about the best news I have heard in a long, long time for gaming on the iPad. Between this, XCOM, and Phoenix Wright I am honestly not sure w ...
Final Fantasy Tactics iOS Gets a Face Lift and a Discount
The original Final Fantasy Tactics is one of the best games ever made. I don’t care that the statement is technically subjective, it’s absolutely a fact, so there. And if you haven’t ...
Layton’s Son Puzzling on iOS
Apparently Professor Layton had a kid. Apparently that kid is going to investigate crimes, and apparently Layton’s kid needs your help to solve these crimes. Apparently Layton’s kid’ ...
Everything is iFree.
Holy cow. Several amazing iOS games and apps are free. Like…free. Like…I downloaded several of them because they are incredibly and totally free. Don’t know what’s happening, a ...
Hate Plus To Japan, Analogue to iOS
Christine Love’s wonderful game about transhumanism, the future, and how quickly progress can slip, Analogue: A Hate Story is being ported to iOS. I’ve always said that visual novels are ...
Schmame Over 19: What’s, Like, Art Even Mean, Dude?
Today on Schmame Over the Schmamers get deep! We talk about the meaning of art, the value of review scores, and the potential for abuse in such systems. Of course it isn’t all super serious all ...