Zynga Lays Off 18 Percent Of Work Force

by on June 4th, 2013 at 7:29 am


Ouch. Amidst increasingly small demand for their Facebook games and their ongoing failure to penetrate the mobile market, Zynga announced yesterday that they were letting 18% of their workforce go, and are closing studios in California, New York, and  Texas to be completed sometime in August. They plan to “redouble their efforts” in the mobile market.

I’ve never liked Zynga and their exploitative business practices and their anti-consumer mindset which looks at gamers as little more than cash machines, but that was a corporate level decision. I feel bad for the 580 people out of a job in this economy, especially since they’re bound to get grief from potential hires for having the stigma of Zynga on their resume. I wish them all the luck in the world.

