Greatest Video Game Openings: Fallout
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, ...
Bring Them Into The Fold
Remember when we were young and everyone thought that video games were for kids? They said that we would grow out of playing video games, and that we would find ‘better’ and ‘more in ...
The Challenge of A Game And The Death of The Game Over
Fellow Schmamer Paul recently had some thoughts about Prey 2 being stuck in development hell, and shared some brief impressions of his about the original Prey. Notably, he had this to say about your ...
Lightning Has Boob Jiggle, World Unsurprised
Kotaku apparently lives in a different world than I do. When it came out in recent interviews that the creators of Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns made Lightning’s breasts larger and added ...
Give Thanks, For 3D
I readily admit that I am that bastard in your family that is vehemently opposed to saying what we’re thankful for at Thanksgiving dinner. For some reason I’m never expecting it and I hate being put o ...
New Year’s Schmresolutions: Commitments
Did you know that I am a masochist? Not in any creepy sexual way, no, sheesh, but in my gaming tastes. My favorite game of 2013 was Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, the latest entry in a series of games kno ...